Home Learning during Self-isolation

Home Learning Activities can be found under Curriculum - Home Learning
As I am sure you are aware, the Coronavirus Pandemic is developing. Public Health England are still keen for children to attend school and that we try to continue school life as normally as possible.
Due to Government advice, we are aware that some of our families and pupils have been advised that self-isolation is the appropriate action at this time.
We know that the children will want to keep busy and still have access to learning opportunities, therefore we have provided a bank of resources for each Year Group on our website. There are three ways that the children can access these:
- We can print and post them
- We can print them and send them home with a child who is currently still attending school
- We can print them and you can collect them from the office
Please contact the relevant school office if you do require a printed copy of the activities.
hese activities are to cover the next 5 school days and are based on the National Curriculum objectives for each year group. We have attached a link for each Year Group under CURRICULUM and HOME LEARNING on the school website and we will email the downloaded versions for all Year Groups. In order to access the activities on the link (www.twinkl.co.uk/) you will need to set up a free account and enter the code: UKTWINKLHELPS
If you have any questions regarding the home learning, please do not hesitate to contact us.